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Teamfield Cloud Platforms

Enterprise Architecture,Platforms,Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation , Made Easy 

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Enterprise Architects

What is the role of an EA

  • Identify priorities for change to enable delivery at pace
  • Lead and influence the delivery of cross-cutting capabilities that enable change
  • Own the enterprise architecture vision, strategy and road maps from a business, technology and data perspective, including ‘as is’, ‘to be’ and transitional states
  • Consult and support collaboration across the business
  • Understand the organisation’s ecosystem and its inter-dependencies, including reference architectures
  • Take a strategic view across all architectural domains, portfolios and programs
  • Guide the organisation to make appropriate business, technology and data decisions by recommending reuse, sustainability and scalability, to achieve value for money and reduce risk
  • Establish architectural principles, policies and standards
  • Collaborate and consult with stakeholders to assure business, technology and data decisions are aligned with enterprise architecture strategy
  • Develop the architecture community
  • Carry out horizon scanning across industry, identifying emerging trends and their potential impact and opportunity for the organisation

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Platform Economy

What is the Platform Economy

With platforms, the fundamental rules of strategy change. Strategy shifts from controlling to orchestrating resources; from optimizing internal processes to facilitating external interactions; and from increasing customer value to maximizing the value of the ecosystem.

The failure to transition to a new approach explains the precarious situation that traditional businesses find themselves in. For traditional firms, the writing is on the wall: learn the new rules of strategy for a platform world, or begin planning your exit.

Platforms are transforming strategy, and why scale now triumphs differentiation.

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Become Future Ready! You need an Enterprise Architect
Companies try to extract value from IT investments by aligning IT business processes with Business Strategy. The problem with Business Strategy is that it is inherently fluid, in fact , strategic priorities might change unexpectedly , that is why Business Strategy rarely provides clear directions for development of a steady IT and Business process capabilities. These are the cases where IT potentially becomes a Bottleneck. Companies should develop an 'Architected Operating Model' (AOM) . An Architected Operating model contains the necessary level of business process integration and standardization to serve customers in a profitable and digitally driven way. The majority of today's businesses, having been established before the Digital Transformation, suffer from an Architectural Problem, they are designed around ‘Product Verticals’. Each Vertical is completely isolated from the rests of the company and it is designed to deliver value independently of the rest of the Organization. The Digital economy though exalt integrated solutions. There is then, an urgent need for companies to redesign their processes to become more digitally aligned , horizontally and vertically.
Enterprise Architecture (EA) provides the road map for organizational redesign, 3 main principles guide this new doctrine:
1) EA redesign products an processes transforming them into components.
2) Cross Functional Teams collaborate around a Digitally Designed business Models.
3) Enterprise Architects influence and guide Business Strategy